Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography compiled by Stefan Blaschke |
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Start: Topical Index: Representations: Literary Texts: Modern Literature:
Representations: Literary Texts: [Info] Alvi, Moniza. »Foreword: An Unsafe Subject.« Feminism, Literature and Rape Narratives: Violence and Violation. Edited by Sorcha Gunne et al. New York 2010: xi-xx. [Info] Diver, Robin. »Fleeing from Rape: A Children's Tale? Adaptations of Daphne and Apollo.« Echoes: A Symposium on Classic-Modern Relations. Birmingham 2018. [Info] Diver, Robin. »Fleeing from Rape: A Children's Tale? Adaptations of Daphne and Apollo.« Annual Meeting of Postgraduates in Ancient History. London 2018. [Info] Diver, Robin. »Rape, Sisterhood and Deadly Love: Attempting to Centre the Female Experience in Young Adult Novels about the Trojan War.« 15th Congress of the Fédération internationale des associations d’études classiques. London 2019. [Info] Diver, Robin. »Adapting Rape for Children: Modern Retellings of the Greek Myth of Daphne.« Annual British Comparative Literature Association Postgraduate Conference. Oxford 2020. [Info] Diver, Robin. »Consent and Sexual Violence in Educational Children's Myth Texts.« Mythology and Education: One-Day Workshop. Cambridge 2020. [Info] Freeman, Meghan A. »Disarticulated Figures: Language and Sexual Violence in Contemporary Crime Fiction.« Language and Sexual Violence in Contemporary Crime Fiction. Edited by Berit Åström et al. Basingstoke 2013: 117- . [Info] McLain, Adam. »Introduction to Sexual Violence and Science Fiction Symposium.« SFRA Review 52 (2022): 115-117. [Info] McLain, Adam, ed. »Symposium: Sexual Violence and Science Fiction .« SFRA Review 52 (2022): 115-217. [Info] Wilkins, Kim. »"Ravished by Vikings"F: The Pre-modern and the Paranormal in Viking Romance Fiction.« Journal of Popular Romance Studies 5 (2016). [Site] A f r i c a n L i t e r a t u r e [Site] Congolese Literature
[Site] Ghanaian Literature
[Site] Malian Literature
[Site] Nigerian Literature
[Site] Rwandan Literature [Info] Hitchcott, Nicki. »Intimate Enemies: Representations of Perpetrators in Literary Responses to the 1994 Genocide in Rwanda.« Perpetrating Selves: Doing Violence, Performing Identity. Edited by Clare Bielby et al. Cham 2018: 155-176. [Site] South African Literature [Info] Williams, Candice L. Staging the Criminalised Society: Contemporary South African Theatre's Response to the Social Insecurity Caused by Violent Crime in South Africa over the Past Decade (2002 - 2012). M.A. Thesis, Stellenbosch University, 2016. [Site] Zimbabwean Literature
[Site] A m e r i c a n L i t e r a t u r e [Site] Antiguan Literature
[Site] Brazilian Literature
[Site] Canadian Literature
[Site] Chilean Literature
[Site] Cuban Literature
[Site] Mexican Literature
[Site] Peruvian Literature
[Info] Taipe Rodríguez, Roger. Tortura: De ficción literaria del conflicto armado interno a delito contra la humanidad. Tesis, Universidad Continental, 2020. [Site] U.S. Literature [Info] Bachner, Sally. The Prestige of Violence: American Fiction, 1962-2007. Athens 2011. [Info] Field, Robin E. Writing the Survivor: The Rape Novel in Late Twentieth-Century American Fiction. Clemson 2020. [Info] Hubler, Angela E. »It Is Not Enough to Speak: Toward a Coalitional Consciousness in the Young Adult Rape Novel.« Children's Literature 45 (2017): 114-137. [Info] Ko, Jeongyun. »Politics of Representation: Americanization of Korean Comfort Women and Camptown Sex Worker Discourses.« (Journal of the English Language and Literature) 56 (2014): 19-46. [Site] A s i a n L i t e r a t u r e [Site] Arabic Literature [Info] Lagrange, Frédéric. »Modern Arabic Literature and the Disappearance of Mujun: Same-Sex Rape as a Case Study.« The Rude, the Bad and the Bawdy: Essays in honour of Professor Geert Jan van Gelder. Edited by Adam Talib et al. 2014: 230-253. [Site] Bangladeshi Literature
[Info] Mookherjee, Nayanika. »The raped woman as a horrific sublime and the Bangladesh war of 1971.« Journal of Material Culture (September 16, 2015). [Site] Chinese Literature
[Site] Indonesian Literature
[Site] Indian Literature
[Info] Usha, A. From the Cradle to the Grave: A Study of the Problems Confronting the Female in Indian Writing in English. Ph.D. Thesis, Mother Teresa Women's University, 2013. [Site] Iraqi Literature
[Site] Israeli Literature
[Site] Japanese Literature
[Site] Korean Literature
[Info] Youn, Young-Shil. »????? ‘???’? ??????? ????: ??? ‘???’ ?? ???? ????.« ?????? No. 67 (2017): 79-120. [Site] Malaysian Literature
[Site] Pakistani Literature
[Site] Singaporean Literature
[Site] E u r o p e a n L i t e r a t u r e [Site] Austrian Literature
[Site] Czech Literature
[Site] Croatian Literature
[Site] Dutch Literature
[Site] English Literature [Info] Solga, Kim. Invisible Acts: Performing Violence Against Women in Early Modern and Contemporary Drama in English. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Toronto, 2004. [Site] Finnish Literature
[Site] French Literature [Site] German Literature [Site] Hungarian Literature
[Site] Irish Literature
[Info] Fitzpatrick, Lisa. »Performing Gender, Performing Violence on the Northern Irish Stage: ‘Spittin’ Blood in a Belfast Sink'.« Contemporary Theatre Review 23 (2013): 302-313. [Info] Fitzpatrick, Lisa. Rape on the Contemporary Stage. Cham 2018. [Site] Italian Literature
[Info] Parisi, Luciano. Giovani e abuso sessuale nella letteratura italiana (1902-2018). Alessandria 2021. [Site] Norwegian Literature
[Site] Scottish Literature
[Site] Spanish Literature
[Site] Swedish Literature
[Info] Gregersdotter, Katarina. »The Body, Hopelessness and Nostalgia: Representations of Rape and the Welfare State in Swedish Crime Fiction.« Rape in Stieg Larsson's Millennium Trilogy and Beyond. Contemporary Scandinavian and Anglophone Crime Fiction. Basingstoke 2013: 81- . [Site] O c e a n i a n L i t e r a t u r e [Site] Australian Literature
[Site] New Zealand Literature