Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography

compiled by Stefan Blaschke


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Start: Topical Index: Representations: Literary Texts: Modern Literature:

Representations: Literary Texts:

[Info] Alvi, Moniza. »Foreword: An Unsafe Subject.« Feminism, Literature and Rape Narratives: Violence and Violation. Edited by Sorcha Gunne et al. New York 2010: xi-xx.

[Info] Diver, Robin. »Fleeing from Rape: A Children's Tale? Adaptations of Daphne and Apollo.« Echoes: A Symposium on Classic-Modern Relations. Birmingham 2018.

[Info] Diver, Robin. »Fleeing from Rape: A Children's Tale? Adaptations of Daphne and Apollo.« Annual Meeting of Postgraduates in Ancient History. London 2018.

[Info] Diver, Robin. »Rape, Sisterhood and Deadly Love: Attempting to Centre the Female Experience in Young Adult Novels about the Trojan War.« 15th Congress of the Fédération internationale des associations d’études classiques. London 2019.

[Info] Diver, Robin. »Adapting Rape for Children: Modern Retellings of the Greek Myth of Daphne.« Annual British Comparative Literature Association Postgraduate Conference. Oxford 2020.

[Info] Diver, Robin. »Consent and Sexual Violence in Educational Children's Myth Texts.« Mythology and Education: One-Day Workshop. Cambridge 2020.

[Info] Freeman, Meghan A. »Disarticulated Figures: Language and Sexual Violence in Contemporary Crime Fiction.« Language and Sexual Violence in Contemporary Crime Fiction. Edited by Berit Åström et al. Basingstoke 2013: 117- .

[Info] McLain, Adam. »Introduction to Sexual Violence and Science Fiction Symposium.« SFRA Review 52 (2022): 115-117.

[Info] McLain, Adam, ed. »Symposium: Sexual Violence and Science Fiction .« SFRA Review 52 (2022): 115-217.

[Info] Wilkins, Kim. »"Ravished by Vikings"F: The Pre-modern and the Paranormal in Viking Romance Fiction.« Journal of Popular Romance Studies 5 (2016).

[Site] A f r i c a n   L i t e r a t u r e

[Site] Congolese Literature

Authors: Emmanuel Dongala

[Site] Ghanaian Literature

Authors: Amma Darko

[Site] Malian Literature

[Site] Nigerian Literature

[Site] Rwandan Literature

[Info] Hitchcott, Nicki. »Intimate Enemies: Representations of Perpetrators in Literary Responses to the 1994 Genocide in Rwanda.« Perpetrating Selves: Doing Violence, Performing Identity. Edited by Clare Bielby et al. Cham 2018: 155-176.

[Site] South African Literature

[Info] Williams, Candice L. Staging the Criminalised Society: Contemporary South African Theatre's Response to the Social Insecurity Caused by Violent Crime in South Africa over the Past Decade (2002 - 2012). M.A. Thesis, Stellenbosch University, 2016.

[Site] Zimbabwean Literature

Authors: Yvonne Vera

[Site] A m e r i c a n   L i t e r a t u r e

[Site] Antiguan Literature

Authors: Marie Elena John

[Site] Brazilian Literature

[Site] Canadian Literature

[Site] Chilean Literature

[Site] Cuban Literature

[Site] Mexican Literature

Authors: Edgar Chías

[Site] Peruvian Literature

[Info] Taipe Rodríguez, Roger. Tortura: De ficción literaria del conflicto armado interno a delito contra la humanidad. Tesis, Universidad Continental, 2020.

[Site] U.S. Literature

Authors: Megan Abbott, Jay Asher, Helen Benedict, Julie Berry, Octavia Butler, Mary Lynn Bracht, Kristin Cashore, Kristin Cast, P.C. Cast, Stephen Chbosky, Colleen Clayton, Teju Cole, Junot Díaz, Marilyn Dumont, Louise Erdrich, Becca Fitzpatrick, Bella Forrest, Alicia Gaspar de Alba, Roxane Gay, William Gay, Megan Gogerty, Amy Hatvany, Monica Hesse, Colleen Hoover, Khaled Hosseini, Arlene Hutton, Martha Hall Kelley, Stephen King, E.M. Knight, Kalliope Lee, Sarah J. Maas, Sarah MacLean, Nina Malkin, George R.R. Martin, Valerie Martin, Kate McMullan, Stephenie Meyer, Ellie Midwood, Heather Morris, Lesléa Newman, Lynn Nottage, Alissa Nutting Joyce Carol Oates, Nnedi Okorafor, Sara Paretsky, Christina Park, Jodi Picoult, Jaira Placide, K.L. Randis, Kristen Roupenian, Gabriella Saab, Bianca Scardoni, Joanna Scott, Alice Sebold, Ruta Sepetys, Charles R. Smith, Sonya Sones, Starhawk, Anna Stuart, Amber Tamblyn, Monique Truong, Frances Washburn, Teddy Wayne, Daisy Whitney, Lisa Williamson, Lim Chul Woo, Hanya Yanagihara, Lidia Yuknavitch

[Info] Bachner, Sally. The Prestige of Violence: American Fiction, 1962-2007. Athens 2011.

[Info] Field, Robin E. Writing the Survivor: The Rape Novel in Late Twentieth-Century American Fiction. Clemson 2020.

[Info] Hubler, Angela E. »It Is Not Enough to Speak: Toward a Coalitional Consciousness in the Young Adult Rape Novel.« Children's Literature 45 (2017): 114-137.

[Info] Ko, Jeongyun. »Politics of Representation: Americanization of Korean Comfort Women and Camptown Sex Worker Discourses.« (Journal of the English Language and Literature) 56 (2014): 19-46.

[Site] A s i a n   L i t e r a t u r e

[Site] Arabic Literature

[Info] Lagrange, Frédéric. »Modern Arabic Literature and the Disappearance of Mujun: Same-Sex Rape as a Case Study.« The Rude, the Bad and the Bawdy: Essays in honour of Professor Geert Jan van Gelder. Edited by Adam Talib et al. 2014: 230-253.

[Site] Bangladeshi Literature

Authors: Tahmima Anam

[Info] Mookherjee, Nayanika. »The raped woman as a horrific sublime and the Bangladesh war of 1971.« Journal of Material Culture (September 16, 2015).

[Site] Chinese Literature

[Site] Indonesian Literature

Authors: Naning Pranoto; Novels: Mei Merah

[Site] Indian Literature

[Info] Usha, A. From the Cradle to the Grave: A Study of the Problems Confronting the Female in Indian Writing in English. Ph.D. Thesis, Mother Teresa Women's University, 2013.

[Site] Iraqi Literature

Authors: Sawsan Al-Bayati

[Site] Israeli Literature

Authors: Tzvia Golan

[Site] Japanese Literature

[Site] Korean Literature

[Info] Youn, Young-Shil. »????? ‘???’? ??????? ????: ??? ‘???’ ?? ???? ????.« ?????? No. 67 (2017): 79-120.

[Site] Malaysian Literature

Authors: Rani Manicka

[Site] Pakistani Literature

Authors: Qaisra Shahraz

[Site] Singaporean Literature

[Site] E u r o p e a n   L i t e r a t u r e

[Site] Austrian Literature

Authors: Victorija Kocman

[Site] Czech Literature

[Site] Croatian Literature

[Site] Dutch Literature

Authors: Ilona Lammertink

[Site] English Literature

[Info] Solga, Kim. Invisible Acts: Performing Violence Against Women in Early Modern and Contemporary Drama in English. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Toronto, 2004.

[Site] Finnish Literature

[Site] French Literature

[Site] German Literature

[Site] Hungarian Literature

Authors: Judit Kováts

[Site] Irish Literature

[Info] Fitzpatrick, Lisa. »Performing Gender, Performing Violence on the Northern Irish Stage: ‘Spittin’ Blood in a Belfast Sink'.« Contemporary Theatre Review 23 (2013): 302-313.

[Info] Fitzpatrick, Lisa. Rape on the Contemporary Stage. Cham 2018.

[Site] Italian Literature

[Info] Parisi, Luciano. Giovani e abuso sessuale nella letteratura italiana (1902-2018). Alessandria 2021.

[Site] Norwegian Literature

[Site] Scottish Literature

[Site] Spanish Literature

[Site] Swedish Literature

[Info] Gregersdotter, Katarina. »The Body, Hopelessness and Nostalgia: Representations of Rape and the Welfare State in Swedish Crime Fiction.« Rape in Stieg Larsson's Millennium Trilogy and Beyond. Contemporary Scandinavian and Anglophone Crime Fiction. Basingstoke 2013: 81- .

[Site] O c e a n i a n   L i t e r a t u r e

[Site] Australian Literature

[Site] New Zealand Literature

Authors: Tusiata Avia